Prabhupada Pranam Mantra
vinamra praṇām mora sei bhakta pade,
ahaituki bhakti yāṅra sada viṣṇu-pade. |1|
I offer my respectful obeisances unto that great devotee who is always in the shelter of the Lotus feet of Lord Visnu.
bhutale kṛṣṇera ati priya yei jana,
bhaktivedānta svāmī nāma mahājana. |2|
He is very dear to Lord Kṛṣṇa and his name is His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda.
namaskāra tava pade sarasvatīra śiṣya,
gaurāṅgera vānī pracār kaile sārā viśva. |3|
Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant of Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī. You are kindly preaching the message of Lord Caitanyadeva.
paścātyera deśa yata karile uddhara,
nirviśeṣa āra śunyavādera karile chārkhāra. |4|
Thus you have delivered the Western countries, which are filled with impersonalism and voidism."
Importance Of Hearing About The Glories Of Devotees
navavidhā bhakti madhye śravaṇa-kīrtana,
yāhāra mahimā śāstre haiyāche nirupaṇa. |5|
Among the nine limbs of devotional service, hearing and chanting are given most prominence. All the scriptures have already established their glories.
hari guṇa-līlā śravaṇa satya kari māni,
tāhā haite adhika yabe bhakta guṇa śuni. (SB 3.13.4) |6|
Hearing about the qualities and pastimes of Lord Hari is indeed the highest truth, but when one hears about the qualities of the devotees, that is considered to be more glorious. [Reference SB 3.13.4]
Commander in Chief
ananta gaurāṅga-candrera ananta bhaktagaṇa,
tāṅdera ananta līlāra nā yāya gaṇana. |7|
Lord Gaurāṅga is unlimited, His devotees are unlimited and the pastimes of those devotees are also unlimited. None can come to the end of them by counting.
hena bhakta madhye eka bhakata mahāna,
senāpati ākhyā dilena gaura bhagavāna. |8|
Among all those great devotees there is one particular devotee. Lord Gaurāṅga Himself addressed that devotee as His commander-in-chief.
āji karivāre sāhasa tāṅra guṇāsvada,
jagate vidita nāma “Śrīlā Prabhupāda”. |9|
Today I am showing this little courage to relish some of his qualities by describing them. He is famous in the world as “Śrīlā Prabhupāda”.
Caitanya’s Prediction Proved
mahāprabhu balechilena sārā pṛthivite,
pracār haibe mora-nāma nagara o grāmete. |10|
Lord Caitanya mahaprabhu predicted that “My holy name will be propagated in every town and village of this globe”.
tāra sahaja artha keha nārila bujhite,
mukhyārtha chāḍiyā kalpe gauṇārtha tāhāte. |11|
But none could understand the simple meaning of this. By giving up the primary interpretation they imagined secondary interpretation to this.
senāpati bhaktera tave haila āgamana,
gauravāṇī satya kari karilā sthāpana. |12|
At that time the commander in chief devotee appeared in this world and he established the prediction of Lord Gaurāṅga by proving it true.
bhaktagaṇa kṛpā kaṇā kariyā prarthanā,
prabhupāda bālya-līlāra sāmānya varṇanā. |13|
Now I aspire to describe the childhood pastimes of Srila Prabhupada in short. Therefore I am begging a drop of mercy of the devotees.
āṭhāraśa chiyā-navvai śahara kalikātā,
nandotsava puṇyatithi avatīrṇa tathā. |14|
Srila Prabbhupada appeared in the city of Calcutta, in eighteen ninety-six on the holy occasion of Nandotsava (The next day of Krsna’s appearance.)
pitā gauramohana de āra rajanīdevi mātā,
hena ghare avatīrṇa hailā jagata trātā. |15
His father’s name was Gauramohana De and Mother Rajani Devi.
gauramohana vaiṣṇava baḍa, mane icchā śakta,
putra mora haibeka rādhārānīra bhakta. |16|
Gauramohana was a great vaisnava. He had strong desire in his mind that, “My son will be a devotee of Radhārānī”.
nāmkaraṇa kailā tāṅhāra abhaya-carana de,
gaura-vāṇī pracāra kari jagata uddhārive. |17|
He named the child as ‘Abhay Charan De’. In future he will preach the message of Lord Gauranga and deliver the world.
Wonderful Horoscope
jyotiṣī āilā eka koṣṭhīra vicāre,
adbhuta saba lakṣana dekhi mane camatkāre. |18|
At that time one astrologer came to see his horoscope. One seeing the wonderful symptoms, he became astonished in mind.
hena putra haibe eka sannyasī adbhuta,
sattara vatsara vayasete yāibe pāścātya. |19|
This child will be a wonderful sannyasi. At the age of seventy he will go to the west.
dharma pracāra lāgi karibe sindhu atikrama,
ek-śata āt kṛṣṇa-mandira karibe sthāpana. |20|
In order to preach the religion he will cross the ocean. He will establish one hundred and eight krsna-temples all over the world.
koṣṭhī śuni pitā-mātār ānanda hṛdaya,
kṛṣṇa-candra āmā prati hailā sadaya. |21|
On hearing the horoscope the father and mother became very happy. Now Lord Krsna has become merciful on us.
First Grain Eating Ceremony
annaprāśana samaya āila gauramohana ghara,
ānande hṛdaya sabāra utsave mukhara. |22|
When the time of first grain eating ceremony for the child appeared in the house of Gauramohana De, everybody’s heart became filled with joy and festivity.
eka pāśe bhāgavat āra pāśe dhana,
bhojya-dravya rākhe śiśu laive yāhā mana. |23|
In that festival in one side of the child Srimad Bhagavatam was kept and in another side some wealth, another side some eatable stuffs. So the child will pick whatever he is attracted to. Thus this was a custom to know the inclination of the child from the beginning.
keha bale vanika pitāra putra laive dhana,
keha bale dekha bhāgavate nirīkṣaṇa. |24|
Some said, "As the son of a merchant, he will pick the wealth," while others argued, "Just see, he is looking at the Bhagavatam"
bhāgavata pāne abhaya anāyāse dhāya,
dekhiyā pitāra hṛdaya ānandete bhāya. |25|
But Abhaya very easily moved towards the Bhagavatam and picked it. Seeing this the father Gauramohana became very happy in heart.
deḍa vatsara vayasa takhana typhoid jvara,
abhaye dharila āsi vyādhi bhayaṅkara. |26|
At the age of one and half, Abhaya was affected by the dangerous disease 'called' typhoid.
gauramohana bolāilā kārtika-bose Vaidya,
parikṣā kariya kahe nāhi kona pathya. |27|
Gauramohana De called the doctor named Kartika Bose. He examined Abhaya and said that there was no medicines for that.
māṁsera jhola āni deha nāhi anya patha,
gauramohana dṛḍha kahe asambhava ei mata. |28|
There is only one remedy, bring chicken soup and feed the child. Gauramohana De protested, this is impossible.
mora ghare nāhi kabhu āmiṣera gandha,
kimate haibe ethā hena kārya manda. |29|
There has not been even a slight smell of meat in my house. How can there be such an evil act.
vaidya bale āniba āmi haite anya kati,
putrera prāṇa rākhibāre deha anumati. |30|
The doctor said that I will bring it from outside, you just give permission in order to save the life of your child.
tabe vaidya pātra bhari āmiṣera jhola āni,
śiśu mukhe dhāle śiśu phelila takhani. |31|
Then the doctor brought a vessel filled with chicken soup and put in the mouth of the child. The child immediately vomited it out.
guramohana putra kare kṛṣṇe samarpaṇa,
kṛṣṇa kṛpāya anāyāse vyādhira upaśama. |32|
Gauramohana offered his son to Lord Krsna and by the mercy Krsna the disease got cured easily.
Taking Darshana of Radha Govinda Daily
harrison rode haya mullikadera vāsa,
tāri eka dhāre gauramohanera āvāsa. |33|
The suvarṇa-vaṇik merchant Mullik community would reside in the 151 Harrison Road. Gauramohana De would live with his family in one part of the Mullik properties.
mullikdera mālikānāya rāstār apara dhāre,
rādhā-govinda virāja karena suramya mandire. |34|
Within the Mullika properties across the street from the Des' residence was a beautiful temple of Rādhā-Govinda.
pitā-matā-bhṛtya sane pratyaha sakāle,
ṭhākura daraśane abhaya chale kutuhale. |35|
Every morning Abhay would very eagerly visit to the temple to see the Lord with his father, mother or servant.
rādhā-govinda rupa mādhuri apurva anupama,
darśana diyā abhayera nitya hare mana. |36|
The beauty of Sri Sri Radha Govinda was excellent and matchless. By giving their darshana they would steal the mind of Abhaya everyday.
Deity of Radha Krsna
ekdin pitā chotta rādhā-kṛṣṇa murti āni,
putre dilā pujivāre śikhāilā āpani. |37|
One day Abhaya’s father Gauramohana De brought a small deity of Radha-krsna for Abhay to worship and he personally taught him the process.
kaniṣṭha bhagini sāthe vigraha sevana,
tāṅre arpaṇ vinā kichu nā kare grahaṇ. |38|
Along with his younger sister Abhay would worship they deity. He would not accept anything without offering it to the deity.
kakhano śṛṅgāra kare, gāyena bhajana,
ghṛta-dvīpa arpaṇa kari karāna śayana. |39|
Sometimes they would be dressing the deity, something singing some devotional songs to please Them. Imitating his father and the priests of Rādhā-Govinda, he would offer his Deities a ghee lamp and put Them to rest at night.
sei hate kṛṣṇa sevāya abhayera niṣṭhā,
bhāvī-kāle viśva juḍe karive yāra pratiṣṭhā. |40|
Since then Abhaya had attraction for worshiping Lord Krsna. In future he will establish this in all over the world.
ārekadina abhayera icchā haila mane,
ratha-yatrā kariveka sakal mitra sane. |41|
Another day Abhay got the desire to celebrate rathayatra with his friends on his own ratha.
purono eka ratha tāhāra eka gaja ucchatā,
putra vāñchā purti hetu āni dilena pitā. |42|
Gauramohana De brought an old ratha for Abhaya, which was three feet high.
pitā-putra miliyā ratha karilena saṁskāra,
sājāilena apurva dekhi lāge camatkāra. |43|
The father and son with their combined effort repaired the ratha and decorated it wonderfully.
strī-gaṇa laiyā tabe mātā rajanī-devī,
randhan karilen yata prasāda sāmagrī. |44|
Abhaya’s mother Rajani devi along with other women, cooked all the prasadam items.
vālakera utsāha dekhi pāḍā-paḍśī-gaṇa,
sakalera udyoge haila mahā-āyojana. |45|
On seeing the enthusiasm of the boys, all the neighbours came to participate and thus there was a great arrangement of festival.
mṛdaṅga-karatala āra kīrtanera dhvani,
agre cale chotta abhaya vālaka-siromani. |46|
With the transcendental sounds of Kirtana along with drums and cymbals, the procession went ahead. In the front the little Abhaya was leading all, the leader and crown jewel of the boys.
dhupa-dvīpa-ārati āra bhoga nivedana,
yata kichu dekhiyāche kare anukarana. |47|
Abhay copied whatever he had seen at adult religious functions, including offering the deities food, offering ārati with a ghee lamp and incense etc.
mahāprasāda vitarana kaila sabākāre,
aṣṭha divasa karilena mahā-āḍambare. |48|
They also distributed Mahaprasadam to everybody who came to see. Thus Abhay's Ratha-yātrā ran for eight consecutive days in a grand manner.
Exhibiting The Qualities of An Acarya
sabāre niyukta kari sevāra prakāśa,
ācārya guṇa prakāśiyā bhaviṣya-ābhāsa. |49|
In that way Abhaya engaged everybody in the service of the Supreme Lord from his childhood itself. Thus he exhibited the quality of an acarya and indicated about his mission in the future.
prabhupādera bālya-kāle aiche nānā raṅga,
duḥsāhasa kari kichu kahilām prasaṅga. |50|
Thus in the childhood of Srila Prabhupada he performed many wonderful pastimes. By the mercy of devotees I have shown audacity to narrate some of them.
Wow Padmamukha Nimai Prabhuji!!!
ReplyDeleteAll glories for writing these ardha-shatak mala for Srila Prabhupada.
Today on we should call you kavivarya HG Padmamukha Nimai Pr (JPS) - the best amongst the poets.
Thanks and please keep writing such glorious composition for the pleasure of devotees and Lord.
Thank you PMND 4 ur scholarly and sweet masterpiece on Prabhupad balya lila.. It's very nectar an to hear.. We all encourage u to write more of such poem glorifying our acarya and Lord.. I sincerely pray that may Lord completely empower you to produce more of such jewels..I hope to see u write complete prabhupad lila in poem & thereby bring pleasure to vaishnava community surrender to his divine grace...
ReplyDeleteAll glories to Guru & Gauranga
Ys, Jagdish Hari Das
Great work... waiting for more...
ReplyDeleteThank you prabhus for inspiring.............
ReplyDeletevaiṣṇavera tuṣṭhi vinā āna icchā nāi
vaiṣṇvera kṛpā kaṇā ei mātra cāi